The warning signs were there - our strongest batters had been faltering over recent weeks, a couple of regulars were missing and the pressure of maintaining our undefeated run was building.
And so the fateful evening arrived - beneath grey skies and threatening rain clouds - our defeat - to the bats and gloves of The Coalition, a newly formed alliance between RKY&R and The Dealbreakers. It took a Coalition to sink us.
There is something about defeat when it comes to match reports, there always seem to be far fewer memorable moments and (dis)honourable mentions.
Thanks to Helle and Jo for helping out last minute
Bethan maintaining her extreme catcher efforts, tripping over a bike and almost diving head first into the nettles to take a couple of catches..... even though they were foul ball / third strikes
Good backing up by Gray-O in outfield and hitting cut-off even if there was a little too much juggling going on..... again.....
A myriad of infield and outfield errors allowing balls through and catches to be dropped.... That being said - the Coalition batting was usually hard and low hit balls, so there was not much opportunity for glory catches.
Alex and Rosey, patiently heading in out to right field innings after innings, and just watching the action as there was not single ball hit in their direction.
Jo sending me home at 3rd base and into a sliding collision with Faisal resulting in some minor swelling of the shin..... Apologies for having posted the pictures on Facebook / Google+ but I was a bit surprised at my newly acquired mutant leg.
Well with the loss finally behind us, it is time to get up, dust off the sand and head into our final game next week..... with victory firmly in our sights. The last game of the season before playoffs is - The Engine Group Derby.
A win next week will secure our position at the top of the table and as League Champions 2011...... So no pressure........
Captain Rubble
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