The now traditional rain fell on the Engine Group Derby for the 3rd year in a row, surely next years match will be played under clear skies - or perhaps we should play beach softball somewhere :)
Although the rain fell, games continued throughout Regent's Park, however the Engineers were less enthusiastic to play than most - I suspect this is due to their love of the 'drinking side to softball' - they certainly are one of the better party teams.
The Pirates however love water and we pushed on making a solid start and preventing their batters from scoring a single run. Eventually the rain was too much for our Engineer friends and they opted for the pub instead of taking to the field.
So with another win / forfeit - the final diamond was ours and with that, the title - Division 1 Champions! A great season and a great performance by everyone - new and old hands. Next week the playoffs begin with a Quarter Final on Wednesday versus the Ba Baa's.
Captain Rubble.
Captain Rubble.
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